A physician by profession, William D. Jones, MD, of Oklahoma City, OK, has led a private occupational and preventive practice for more than 20 years. In his free time, William D. Jones, MD, serves as dog show secretary for the state Irish Setter Club of Oklahoma.
A sociable and energetic large breed dog, the Irish setter has become known for its playful nature. It begins life as a mischievous puppy and takes its time in growing out of this persona. The dog needs plenty of exercise to work off its energy, and an owner must be willing to direct this energy into constructive pursuits.
By turns independent and eager to please, the dog must feel motivated to learn a new skill. Its high levels of intelligence can make it into a trickster, and some less confident owners see this characteristic as a lack of trainability. The gentle yet authoritative owner, however, can earn the dog's loyalty and teach it lessons that it will remember for life.
The setter's strong will and quick mind make it an asset to the hunter in the field. It retains a strong hunting instinct, as well, though it remains an affectionate and loyal family pet. The setter is a friendly dog and is more likely to welcome guests than to threaten them, but it retains a strong protective instinct toward its family.